Robert J. Taylor

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Professional Objective
"To contribute to the field of Human Services and business by concentrating on helping all people to excel in all walks of life!"
"We all have the power and potentional to make a difference in the world"

"No matter who we are, and the fact of we're from, we all have the potentional and the power to make a difference in the world." 
The field of Human Services gives us just that, the power to change the world by helping shape and mold the lives of all people. 
"Giving back is the greatest gift you can give yourself."

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Get To Know Robert
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Know matter who we are we can change the world

"We all have the power for greatness"

What is Human Services?

Human Services is a profession for those with a strong desire to help improve people’s lives. Human Service workers assist people by helping them cope with issues in their everyday lives, deal with their relationships, and solve personal and family problems. Some Human service workers or social workers help clients who face a disability or a life-threatening disease or a social problem, such as inadequate housing, unemployment, or substance abuse. Social workers also assist families that have serious domestic conflicts, sometimes involving child or spousal abuse. Some human services workers conduct research, advocate for improved services, engage in systems design or are involved in planning or policy development. Manyspecialize in serving a particular population or working in a specific setting.


Rober J. Taylor

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"H* Helping
 O* Our
 P* People
 E* Excel"